Why Auction

Nothing Motivates Buyers like an Auction!

High Demand Properties with Broad Appeal sold at Auction generate excitement and increase competition among buyers - resulting in Higher Prices.

Seller’s Advantage - Auctions:

  • Generate a sense of urgency and excitement that motivates buyers
  • Reduce time on the market with a guaranteed sale day – closing in 30 days or less
  •  Eliminate negative negotiations and unnecessary contingencies
  • Allow everyone an opportunity to buy property in an open environment in an “Arm’s Length” transaction
  • Create buyer competition
  • Terminate the on-going cost of owning property
  •  Create an immediate marketplace with advertising designed to increase exposure for individual properties
  •  Eliminate seller concessions – properties sell “AS-IS” “WHERE-IS”
  •  100% Seller representation – No Dual Agency
  • Reduce the risk of underpricing or over pricing a property
  • Provide peace of mind in knowing when your property will sell


Why Buyers Like Auctions:

  • Fair Market Value is established with competitive bidding in an open environment
  •  All interested parties have the opportunity to participate in an  “Arm’s Length Transaction”
  •  A due diligence phase prior to the sale provides interested parties an opportunity to inspect the property before bidding
  • Streamline non-contingent closings – normally within 30 days
  • Possession of the property at closing typically within 30 days 
  • Simple and concise Terms of Sale predetermined by the seller make buying easy - eliminating lengthy negotiations, price haggling and counter offers that might not consummate a sale
  • Auction personnel trained to assist buyers throughout the auction buying process
  • Commitment to sell – seller has an obligation to sell the property at an Absolute Auction, or when the Reserve Price is satisfied at an auction with reserve.